I remember the exact moment I met Chanel like it was yesterday! The advanced trainers came in and had a dog with them, it was Chanel. They called out my name and told me that this was my potential match! I was the very first one in our team training class to get their dog so Chanel just watched all the other dogs coming in being handled by Libby and Ben, her advanced trainers that she had grown close to. She couldn’t take her eyes off of them, she wouldn’t even turn and look at me. In this moment I was terrified! I thought to myself about how everyone says Janet is a pro at matching teams and I knew there had to be a reason Chanel and I were matched together, it become evident over the next few days that we were meant to be! The first night I took her back to the hotel room she was in the bathroom with me while I showered, and I dropped my shampoo bottle and Chanel immediately stuck her head into the shower to check on me, that’s when I knew this was my forever girl ♥️
When we came back home after training is when I fully realized Chanel was a gift from God sent to save me and I needed her more than I knew! The last year and half together has been incredible and Chanel has not once abandoned me or left my side! Chanel opens and closes doors for me when I am in my wheelchair, she also retrieves anything I drop, she will carry my phone or bags when my hands are incapable. Her deep pressure therapy helps me tremendously after passing out, her brace helps me to get off the floor and Chanel even barks to alert someone that I’ve passed out. This is one of her most important tasks, being on blood thinners means any fall is dangerous so being unconscious with no help can be deadly! Chanel ensures that if I am down someone will hear and come to help me, and those week long hospital stays aren’t nearly as bad because I have Chanel with me! New Horizons truly did give me the gift of freedom, independence and unconditional love. I don’t remember what life was like before Chanel came into it and I never want to. Chanel has saved my life and she continues to change my life every single day! I am forever changed because of New Horizons and my angel Chanel! ?♥️