bequest giving
If you choose to use a Will to make an estate gift, you can use the following suggested wording to make a provision
I give and bequeath to New Horizons Service Dogs, Inc. in Orange City, Florida (Federal Tax I.D. #59-3334829) the sum of $______ U.S. to be used for dog care.
I give and bequeath to New Horizons Service Dogs, Inc. in Orange City, Florida (Federal Tax I.D. #59-3334829) all (or_____ %) of the rest, residue or remainder of my estate to be used for dog care.
I give and bequeath to New Horizons Service Dogs, Inc. in Orange City, Florida (Federal Tax I.D. #59-3334829)______ (number) of property: ] to be used for dog care._______(total number) shares of ______(stocks or bonds) ) [all my right, title and interest in the following described property: _______ ] to be used for dog care.
I hereby give and bequeath (description of property) to my spouse, if he or she survives me. If my spouse does not survive me, I give and bequeath (description of property) to New Horizons Service Dogs, Inc. in Orange City, Florida (Federal Tax I.D. #59-3334829) to be used for dog care.

How would you like to sponsor a service dog in training, a placement team, or a litter of service dogs? When you choose one of our sponsorship opportunities, your donation helps NHSDI continue to provide its impactful services. Our sponsorship opportunities include:
- Sponsor a Service Dog in Training (SDiT) – You’ll be helping us raise and feed the puppies, maintain their kennels and play-yard, provide them with advanced training and socialization, and care for and protect them throughout their training process.
- Sponsor a “Team” through Team Training – You’ll be sponsoring an SDiT as well as helping a person with a disability through their Team Training process.
- Sponsor a Litter of Puppies– This sponsorship opportunity will allow you to choose a “theme” for one of our litters. Each litter of puppies has a theme for each of the names. An example of a theme chosen for one of our litters was “Mountains” which resulted in the puppies being named: Catalina, Rocky, Smokey, and Everest.
- Sponsor a “Team” for Life – You’ll be sponsoring an SDiT, helping a person with a disability through his/her Team Training process, and providing that team with lifetime follow-up and support from NHSDI.
As a sponsor of a puppy, litter, or team, you’ll receive annual updates about the impact you’ve made.
Even if you can’t participate in one of our designated sponsorship opportunities, please consider making a donation in any amount you can. Every donation helps, regardless of amount.
Sponsorship Levels
- Sponsor a Service Dog in Training ($2,500.00) Join Now
- Sponsor a “Team” through Team Training ($5,000.00) Join Now
- Sponsor a Litter ($10,000.00) Join Now
- Sponsor a “Team” for Life ($30,000.00) Join Now
For more information, or to become a member, please contact us.