Tigger was matched to Daniel when he was 5 years old after our pediatrician recommended a service dog for him. Tigger has been by Daniel’s side for the last 8 years as not only his best friend, but as his constant in a world that changes more often than he would like. Tigger is Daniel’s Autism service dog and while it is hard to put exactly into words all of the things she has done for him, I can tell you I cannot imagine her not being apart of his life. Tigger has seen Daniel through starting school, changing schools, moving multiple times, making new friends, chronic health problems and several medical procedures. Tigger has taught Daniel confidence and helped him face challenges that seemed too much to face without her. Tigger truly is a miracle and I couldn’t be more thankful to the wonderful staff, the puppy raisers, and everyone who made Tigger a possibility for Daniel.