Brit and Skittles
I am an Army veteran. I received Skittles in June of 2019. She has greatly improved my confidence to do things on my own. I’m not worried about being in situations where males approach me, because she’s always paying attention and giving me space between myself and others. She’s a daily encouragement to see life from a grateful perspective. She’s a constant source of unconditional love. Her heightened senses and awareness allow me to be less hyper vigilant.
Skittles is really in tune to my emotions now and will snuggle when she knows I want to or she will just sit touching me when she knows I want her there, but don’t want her lying over me.
Recently when my husband and I took a trip to New Orleans a few months ago, he got very sick in the middle of the night. Skittles and I walked to the nearest pharmacy to get medication and bring it back to him. I would have never made that walk on my own, let alone in the middle of the night, without Skittles. Her presence alone means safety and confidence for me.